Gary Geniesse
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Objective |
To use my creativity and persistence to develop cool software. |
- Over 15 years experience developing entertainment, educational, and corporate software.
Skills |
Multi-talented Jack-of-all-Trades |
- Fields: Windows user interfaces, artificial intelligence, web design, tools and utilities
- Recent Experience in: Visual C++ (VC6), Visual Basic (VB6), SQL (ADO/Jet/SQL Server), HTML
- Additional Experience in: Perl, RoboHelp
- Artificial Intelligence Experience in: neural networks, genetic algorithms, natural language parsing, rule learning, weighted non-player character simulation
Experience |
Director of Software Development: NeuroDimension, Inc. |
- Director of product development for software company specializing in artificial intelligence software.
- Responsible for allocating resources and keeping development of multiple products on schedule while maintaining personal development responsibilities.
- Lead and maintain weekly and quarterly review of issues and goals for entire company.
TradingSolutions: Neural Network Financial Analysis Software |
- Project lead for Windows-based financial analysis software implemented in Visual C++.
- User interface development that includes: easy wizard-based calculations, customizable charts and spreadsheets, user formula entry, exportable definitions, extensive documentation with tutorials, and an animated demo system with voice-overs.
- Incorporation and enhancement of external products to provide neural network predictions and modeling, genetic optimization, and automated data downloading from the Internet.
- Extensive work with marketing and web personnel to produce marketing/support web site (http://www.tradingsolutions.com) and advertising materials.
Independent Web Site Development |
- Designed and implemented web sites for personal use and small businesses.
- Implemented web sites using HTML, Perl, and Javascript
Internet Treasure Hunt Bureau: Internet Contest Web Site |
- Designed and implemented a web site using advertising, Perl, and 16th century woodcuts.
- Organized and incorporated a company to administer the web site and its contests.
- Received several web awards for originality and site design.
- 13 Previous Programming Projects
- Other Potentially Relevant Experience
Education |
Learning Game Rules Through Example and Experimentation (Master's Thesis) |
- Masters of Science specializing in Artificial Intelligence.
- Bachelors of Science in Computer and Information Sciences.
Interests |
Songwriting, astrology, and exercise. |
- Portrait and modeling photography [See portfolio].
- Writing, playing, recording, and packaging of my own original songs.
- Publishing of extensive personal web site (http://www.garygen.com).
- Keeping fit through weight training and aerobic exercise.
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This page last changed on March 5, 2006.
Copyright ©2006, James (Gary) Geniesse